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Seven Strains for the Star Wars Fan - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle

Seven Strains for the Star Wars Fan, Source: http://crazycrackerz.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/R2K2.jpg

Star Wars is a timeless tale and a cultural icon. So it’s no wonder that it often makes its way into cannabis culture as well. Below are seven strains for Star Wars fans. May the force be with you!

1. Skywalker

Seven Strains for the Star Wars Fan, Source: http://cannacentral.com/thumbs/1024x600/wp-content/files_mf/_skywalker_og.jpg & http://www.thegnomonworkshop.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Luke-Skywalker-Lightsaber-auction_planetxstudios.jpg


Skywalker is an indica-dominant hybrid best known for its pain-relieving and insomnia combating effects. So, if you had a rough day, for example, battling the Dark Side, questioning your family lineage and even losing a hand, Skywalker can help mellow you out and give you sound slumber. This strain is said to have a sweet blueberry aroma and a flavor palate that is sweet, earthy and pungent. Take some time to relax with this strain, you deserve it, Jedi.

2. Death Star

Seven Strains for the Star Wars Fan, Source: http://therealmcast.therealmcast.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/death-star-500x311.jpg & http://cdn6.theweedblog.com/wp-content/uploads/death-star-marijuana-strain-3.jpg


Don’t let the name deceive you, the Death Star strain won’t destroy anybody’s home planet, but it may leave your head in a whirl. Known for a powerful head high that accompanies deep relaxation, this indica and sativa hybrid is known for its happy and euphoric effects. It has a very potent smell, and a flavor palate that is skunky and earthy with a hint of diesel. This is one to partake in when you want to make the day’s stress blast away.

3. Master Yoda

Seven Strains for the Star Wars Fan, Source: http://scifimafia.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Star_Wars_Yoda_Wide-560x280.jpg?11fec2 & http://images.medicaljane.com/O=75/http://uploads.medicaljane.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/marsogTHUMB121.jpg


A powerful ally, the Master Yoda strain is. High in THC, this indica-dominant hybrid is both uplifting and relaxing. With a flavor palate that has hints of orange, skunk and an earthy undertone, this master strain is pleasant, delicious and knows how to use “the force.” And in case you’re in the Yoda mood, but want to switch it up, there’s always Yoda OG to fall back on.

4. Space Queen

Seven Strains for the Star Wars Fan, Source: http://swamis420.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/space-queen.jpg & http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/6d/Padme_ep1.jpg

Being a queen can be a lot of work, and being a space queen during times of war can really take it out of you. Luckily the Space Queen sativa-dominant hybrid is here to help. With an effect said to be “Haze-like” and a strong head high, this one will surely mellow you out. It’s flavor palate is piney and sweet with notes of citrus – a combination fit for a queen – and will leave one feeling euphoric, happy and uplifted.

5. Master Jedi

Seven Strains for the Star Wars Fan, Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/32/Ben_Kenobi.png & http://swamis420.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/jedi_kush-72.jpg

In times of trouble, one may find themselves looking for this powerful Master Jedi strain. This is the stuff Yoda would grow if he had the chance. A strong indica that creates a full body high, this strain is perfect for relaxation and happiness. It’s flavor palate is described as pungent and sweet with a “lemony-citrus” aftertaste. And if that’s not enough, you can always look to the equally powerful and euphoric, Jedi Kush.

6. Darth Vader OG

Seven Strains for the Star Wars Fan, Source: http://weedstrain.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/commercial-lavender-1.jpg & http://www.themoviebanter.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/darthVader.jpeg

The Darth Vader OG has a dark side alright, and it comes in the form of that deep, luscious purple color. A heavy indica, this strain can assist with deep relaxation, combating insomnia and quieting the mind. It’s flavor palate is skunky, sweet and earthy with a sweet grape smell. After tasting this one, you may have to resist the temptation to join the dark side.

7. Ewok

Seven Strains for the Star Wars Fan, Source: https://d2kxqxnk1i5o9a.cloudfront.net/uploads/pictures/menu_items/664773/large_GREEN_SHIELD_EWOK_4_1024x1024.png & http://media.ignimgs.com/media/ign/imgs/star-wars-characters/35_wicket_starwars.jpg

If you’re wondering what an Ewok and a strain have in common, you need look no further than how hairy they are. A pleasant strain with a full body high and effects which promote relaxation and stress relief, this sativa hybrid is a great choice for combating insomnia and it’s pain-relieving effects. With fruity notes of tangerine and citrus and a flavor palate that is pungent, nutty, spicy and herbal, this strain will promote relaxation and happiness.