A flock of sheep in a the rural Merstham region of England were found to be feasting on almost $6,400 worth of cannabis.
As of now, there is no indication from where the weed originated, or how it ended up in this field. It’s speculated that whomever did dump the load may have been trying to get rid of it in a hurry. The portion of the field where the weed was found is on the corner of the field, fairly close to the road and the footpath. It’s also possible that this was part of a larger load that simply fell off a truck.
Proprietor Nellie Budd (what a great name for a story about weed!) said, “At first, I thought it was someone’s hedgerow rubbish. I went down to get the bags so the sheep weren’t eating black plastic. When I got there, I realized it was a form of herbal cannabis plant. They were very strong in scent… I have no idea how they got there. It’s right next to a road and the footpath is quite open. I’m putting two and ten together and getting 24. Maybe someone came off the motorway and straight into the middle of nowhere and saw the edge of our land. They probably didn’t think anybody would find it. If they’d gone 200 yards further, they would have seen us. A policeman told me it was about £4,000 worth, so someone’s a little bit lighter in pocket.”
How did the sheep fare? Ms. Budd tells us, “My sheep being inquisitive had an interesting feast on it. [They] weren’t quite on their backs with legs in the air, but they probably had the munchies. They haven’t had any other side effects, but I’ll tell you about the meat next week.”
The cannabis was taken by police constables and incinerated, much to the chagrin of the sheep.
Anyway, can we at Weedist get a sample of that meat? That would most definitely be a special rack of lamb!