Hailing from North Texas, Polyphia is a recently discovered indulgence that satisfies a musical longing I didn’t even know was there. With their ‘pop’ riffs and striking melodies, the self described “pop-meets progressive-rock” instrumental quartet is rapidly rising in the progressive music scene.
Polyphia secured their musical career, releasing their first full length album at the beginning of this month. The album captures the imagination and takes the listener on a psychedelic journey of soulful licks and chords that sound like they came straight out of your favorite classic 90s video game. Not a single song on the album will disappoint, varying in mood from the laid back feel of “Mood Swing” to the hyped up energy of “Sweet Tea,” Polyphia will reinvigorate your appreciation for instrumental rock.

The cover of Polyphia’s album, Muse.
“Obviously we wanted to write something extremely unique,” says guitarist Tim Henson, “but we also wanted it to be accessible in a way that would unite people of different tastes… An album that literally everyone – from your friends at school to your elderly grandmother – could appreciate.” And that is exactly what they accomplished with “Muse”.
This band isn’t just making waves with their musical innovation, but with their unique strategy of building themselves up as a band. Polyphia released their debut album completely independently with their Indiegogo Fundraising Campaign which started in April and eventually reached a total funding of over $30,000.
“It’s so heartwarming to know how deeply our fans believe in us,” says bassist Clay Gober. “Moving forward as an independent artist will be an opportunity to show the world who the music really belongs to – the supporters!” The band did not disappoint their loyal fans, loading their album with a phenomenal line up of guest guitarists, featuring popular names such as Aaron Marshall of Intervals, Jason Richardson of Chelsea Grin, and Canadian solo guitarist Nick Johnston.
If all that weren’t enough to make you an instant fan, Polyphia even has a special treat for their cannabis friendly fans, sampling an audio clip from “Pineapple Express” in the beginning of “James Franco.” Listeners can here the voices of James Franco and Seth Rogan lighting up the cross joint.
“You are going to light these two ends while I light this end.”
“Are you ready?”
“Blast off.”
This dialogue plays right before launching directly into the songs exhilarating intro. This album is perfect for kicking back, lighting up a joint, and losing yourself in the melodic adventure that is Polyphia.
Check out other posts from Weedist’s Great Music While High series!