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Five Strains for Marvel & D.C. Fans - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle

Five Strains for Marvel & D.C. Fans, Source: http://www.camnews.com.kh/FileManager/Commons/2014/4/29/marvelvsdcposter2-29-04-2014--14-55-18.pngComic books and superheros are classic symbols in cultures around the world, and Marvel and D.C. have brought us many of our iconic characters. There are those out there who would pit D.C. and Marvel against one another to see who is the best, but for now, let’s put our differences aside comic wise, and embrace a few famous comic icons in their cannabis forms. These characters have become cult phenomenons, and it’s no surprise to see their names popping up among cannabis strains. So, on the heels of San Diego’s 2014 Comic-Con, we bring you five strains for the Marvel and D.C. fan.

1. Wonder Woman


Five Strains for Marvel & D.C. Fans, Source: http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/underwire/2013/07/wonder-woman.jpg & http://marijuana.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/1346265800491wonder_woman_jpg_leader-702x300.jpgHera, give me strength! I’ll need it to resist the temptation to run out right now and snatch this strain up. Wonder Woman is an absolute classic D.C. icon worthy of a cannabis namesake. But does the Wonder Woman strain live up to the wonders of the Amazon princess? It turns out this strain is pretty wonderful, from its high yields for growers to its long lasting Sativa buzz. The effects are said to create feelings of euphoria, happiness and relaxation. With a skunky smell and flavor palate that’s sweet and fruity, this is a strain that can really hold its own. And that’s the truth, no lasso needed to get it out of us!

2. Bruce Banner

Five Strains for Marvel & D.C. Fans, Source: http://www.thecannabist.co/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/bruce-banner-no-3-strain-theory.jpg & http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140115162911/marveldatabase/images/5/58/Robert_Bruce_Banner_(Earth-TRN362).jpg

Bruce Banner is more commonly known as his alter-ego The Hulk, but let’s face it, if you add some cannabis to the mix there’s no way Banner is going all HULK SMASH on us. No, cannabis and anger don’t have much correlation, so the similarities between this strain and the Hulk stop at their lovely green color. Thus we are left simply with the man behind the muscle himself, and are given the Bruce Banner strain. This is a high THC strain with a strong sativa head buzz. Its flavor palate is pungent, earthy and sweet, and it’s known for its creative, euphoric and uplifting effects. The moral of this strain? Toke up and let your inner Hulk chill out.

3. Green Goblin

Five Strains for Marvel & D.C. Fans, Source: http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11114/111140972/3552195-0758331169-green.jpg & http://www.thevarietymmd.com/images/menu_strains_mmd/large/Green_Goblin.jpg

The Green Goblin may be Spiderman’s archenemy, but never fear, this strain won’t bring chaos to your day. Stepping up to be our token villain on this list, the Green Goblin strain is a strong sativa which is known for its euphoric, uplifting, creative and even focused/alert high. It has a pungent, skunky aroma and a flavor palate that’s sweet and fruity with hints of diesel. Sounds like a strain that even Spiderman would have to enjoy.


4. Superman OG

Five Strains for Marvel & D.C. Fans, Source: http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11111/111113523/3605753-1936874063-31646.png & http://budgenius.com/photo/01ed6f_1468be567e308bd8e80246aa60b309f8/126319_dry_1.jpg

This list simply wouldn’t be complete without the most iconic superhero of them all: Superman. Luckily, someone decided to name a pretty heroic strain after the Man of Steel. Superman OG is a very potent indica with a heavy body high as strong as the Metropolis Marvel himself. In fact, this strain is known to be quite sedative, so you may want to plan for this to knock you out. POW! With a pungent aroma of skunk and pine, and an earthy flavor palate, don’t miss a chance to add this strain to your repertoire, and be sure to keep your eye out for Kryptonite. Truth, Justice and the Cannabis Way!

5. Silver Surfer

Five Strains for Marvel & D.C. Fans, Source: http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs167/1103470437990/img/10514.jpg?a=1115678373175 & http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qCKchPDdqqQ/UNL5dHvA48I/AAAAAAAAEb8/HP1ATzJ8g5c/s1600/uh559351257158145SilverSurferGalaxySafari.jpg

The Silver Surfer is a noble, galactic superhero, and his strain’s namesake shares this spacey theme. A sativa-dominate hybrid, the Silver Surfer strain is known for an intense head high that will space you out while still remaining highly energetic — meaning you can still swoop in to save the day. A sweet flavor palate with earthy notes of citrus make this strain a real pleasure to partake in. Fire this strain up and turn your eyes to the stars.

What superhero or villain do you think deserves to have a strain named after them? Tell us in the comments below.