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Yes On I-502 Rally at WA State Capitol Disrupted by 'No' Activists
Law & Politics

Demonstrating the contentiousness of the issue and the passion of activists on both sides, a Yes on Initiative 502 rally sponsored by New Approach Washington, at the State Capitol in Olympia October 12th devolved into a shouting match.

sam hunt speaking and rick steves I-502, Source: Candace Mercer

Rick Steves (left) and Rep Sam Hunt (right, speaking)

There were also several minor physical altercations, two involving State Representative Sam Hunt, D-Olympia. Counter protesters were advised to leave the building and at least three were forcibly removed by the WA State Patrol. As a result, one person sought medical treatment at a local hospital. No arrests were reported.

The rally was the first on a tour by popular travel guru and cannabis activist Rick Steves who is visiting the state until October 21st in support of I-502. Steves has personally donated $350,000 to a campaign that has raised $4.86 million, $1.55 million coming from Peter Lewis, founder of Progressive Insurance and long time legalization advocate.

Steve Sarich and Poppy Sidhu No I-502, Source: Candace Mercer

Steve Sarich (left)

The much underfunded lone opposition group, NO on I-502, having raised just $6,828, cannot afford the $700,000 ad campaign bankrolled by New Approach and has taken a much more guerrilla approach. They claim I-502 is a “The New Approach to Prohibition” and believe it is a continuation of the war on drugs albeit in a subtler form. They are pro-patient and cite National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Department of Transportation studies that support their position that the 5ng/mL DUI standard is impossible for any regular cannabis patient to meet.

Their red buttons are ubiquitous in the patient/collective culture in Olympia and were worn liberally by attendees at Seattle’s High Times MMJ Cannabis Cup in September. There were very few Yes buttons sighted at the conference, despite New Approach having both a booth and a presence on the Legalization Panel. Alison Holcomb, Campaign Director for New Approach, was booed by some in the audience at the Cup when she defended the 5ng standard as “being a reasonable level.”

Alison Holcomb I-502, Source: Candace Mercer

Alison Holcomb

She was also booed in Olympia when she took the podium. The NO faction then began shouting and were able to make enough noise that it was impossible to hear the speakers. The situation was worsened by the unusual acoustics of the massive dome under which the event was held. Comments given by State Representative Sam Hunt D-Olympia and a prepared speech given by Rick Steves were likewise disrupted.

At one point Rep. Hunt told the protesters to “Shut up and let us talk” and invited them to have their own rally. Hunt states I-502 is a “step in the right direction” but is that is not “what these perfectionists want.” In a post rally interview, Alison Holcomb called what had transpired a “classic demonstration of the First Amendment at work” and an “exciting way to kick off the tour.”

Regarding the demonstration, Rick Steves stated, “I just think it’s what democracy is” and that states must be “incubators for change.” He cited the 50,000 arrests that have occurred in California since Proposition 19 was rejected two years ago. He went on to say the “MMJ industry is interested in scaring” voters and that “marijuana prohibition is a devastating problem.”

The number of protesters that were asked to leave the Capitol building was given by Capt. Travis Matheson of the WA State Patrol at 4-5 and that is the number reported by most media outlets. This reporter, however, witnessed approximately 20+ protesters at the start of the event and midway through Mr. Steves’ speech, less than 10 remained, fewer still at the end.

Steve Sarich, manager and spokesman for NO on I-502, was advised by security to leave the public event before it even began and in an interview after the protest, Sarich stated that his “obligation as a protester is to not be silenced.” He also said that the No campaign was not allowed to speak at either Seattle’s Hempfest or at the Cannabis Cup whereas New Approach had appearances at each.

In the interview, Sarich also claimed that it was without precedent to use the Capitol building for an initiative campaign. Designating the rally as a “Free Speech Event” he said allowed rules to be bypassed. He felt that the event being billed as such he should have been allowed to remain in the building. The NO website warns that “Olympia was just a warm-up.”

Sarich spoke of a potential ethics complaint against Rep. Hunt and said that FOIA requests have been filed with the office of Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes to investigate possible political misuse of office in support of I-502. They also plan to file a Patient Protection Act in the next state legislative session in 2013.

According to Sarich, Arthur West, who is affiliated with NO on I-502, sought treatment at a local hospital for a sprained wrist that allegedly happened when West was physically removed from the building by three State Troopers. Photographs from The Capitol Record show the State patrol physically escorting a female protester from the building, who had previously stated she was with Moms for Marijuana.

Poppy Sidhu, treasurer for NO on I 502, engaged in a scuffle with Rep. Hunt which was witnessed by this reporter, and was forcibly removed by security. The Olympian reports Hunt being involved in an altercation with a different man and Hunt saying, “He came in and hit me with an elbow and tried to shove me out of the way. I pushed him back.’’

The next stop on Steves’ itinerary was Vancouver, WA where the event was well attended with no similar altercations. Visits to the smaller cities of Kennewick and Walla Walla appeared to also have been without incident.

The NO campaign has a rally planned at the Washington State Capitol on Oct. 16th at 1:00 pm. Other upcoming Olympia events include the Thurston County Mainstream Republicans debate on I-502 and other ballot measures at the Lacey Community Center on Oct. 16th. The League of Women Voters of Thurston County hosts a ballot initiatives forum, including I-502, on Oct. 25th at Traditions Cafe. Alison Holcomb will be there representing New Approach.

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