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How To Make Green Dragon Cannabis Tincture - Weedist

Green Dragon cannabis tincture is a great way to administer cannabis for non-smokers or those just looking to be discrete. Green Dragon tincture is made by leaching cannabis compounds from buds, leaves, or stems into a solvent. The THC dissolves into the solvent, along with cannabinoids, terpinoids, and chlorophyll, typically resulting in very potent dark green or brown liquid, hence the “Green Dragon” name. Tinctures are typically consumed directly by placing drops on or under the tongue or by mixing your tincture with food or beverage.

Tincture solvents can be anything from high-proof alcohol to glycerin. Some other choices include absinthe, vinegar, and ethanol. The advantage of ethanol is that being close to neutral pH, both acidic and alkaline cannabis constituents dissolve readily. Glycerin, is a generally a poorer solvent, and vinegar, being acidic, dissolves alkaloids well but not so with acids. Glycerin is a great choice for people who do not imbibe alcohol for medical, religious or moral reasons.

To make our Green Dragon we chose Everclear and Absinthe as our solvents.

Disclaimer: Green Dragon can be very potent, when using any cannabis tincture for the first time, test the tincture strength by taking a small dose to get started. Try 2 drops and see what you feel like in 30 minutes. Proceed with caution.

Green Dragon Preparation

What you need

How to make Green Dragon cannabis tincture

  • Today
    • Grind up your weed
    • Decarboxylation step: Heat cannabis on a cookie sheet or in a glass dish in an 150º F for 15 minutes.
    • Place decarboxylated cannabis into your jar until 3/4 full (if you don’t have enough weed to fill your jar 3/4 full, don’t worry, just don’t drown your weed in solvent or you’ll end up with week tincture. Eyeball a level for your solvent in the next step that is about 1/4 higher than your weed level, fill to that point).
    • Slowly fill your jars with your solvent (Everclear/absinthe/etc.).
    • Tightly seal your jars.
    • Tumble your jar for 2 – 3 minutes (roll it back and forth).
  • Next 2-4 weeks
    • Tumble your jars daily.
  • After 2 – 4 weeks
    • Open jars and stretch cheese cloth across the top of your jars.
    • Pour solvent into a bowl, straining the liquid through cheesecloth.
    • Pour liquid into smaller dropper bottles.
    • Enjoy! Remember to use sparingly until you get a feel for the specific potency of your batch of Green Dragon.

Cannabis Tincture Notes 

  • Tinctures are a good method of cannabis administration for non-smokers.
  • Tinctures can be very potent.
  • When kept in cool darkness, tinctures have a long shelf-life because the alcohol acts as a preservative.
  • A full spectrum of the plant’s active ingredients are made available.
  • You can combine various strains to get exactly the right balance for your needs.
  • Tinctures can be used discreetly wherever you might be.